Monday, September 24, 2007

Today flew by....

So I had a decent food day even though I am still feeling under the weather. I had a banana for breakfast because we were on the run. At lunch I had 2 slices of pizza and a glass of Coke Zero. For dinner I made some BBQ chicken drumsticks which I had marinated over night in roasted garlic Italian dressing. I also made a cauliflower and string bean casserole. It includes those 2 veggies, some cheese and a bit of bacon. It is so easy to make because it is basically a one pot dish. Anyway, it was a delicious dinner and very healthy.

Exercising didn't happen again today because my throat is still sore and when I woke up to walk I couldn't breathe well. I've decided that even if I still have a sore throat and am congested tomorrow morning I am going to walk. Even if I walk slower or less than normal it is still getting my body moving.

Now I am going to collapse because all of my evening chores are complete. I wish I had saved my soda until tonight because I need something sweet, but I know I should only have a glass a day so I will wait until tomorrow. I think I might have a Halls and go to bed.


SassyFitnessBug said...

Sorry to hear you are still not feeling great. That's the worst. But considering you are not at your best, you are doing great with your diet!

SassyFitnessBug said...

What is Coke Zero sweetened with?

dlvblueyed said...

I think it is aspartame, but it is definitely and artificial sweetener which is why I limit myself to only a glass or less a day. I don't get any effect from artificial sweeteners, but I don't want to over do it.