Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I hate to admit it, but I went over my allotment after dinner last night. I was allowed 1600 and I wound up at 1750 because I had some pretzels. That isn't that bad, but since I didn't exercise the last 2 days I feel guilty. I was hungry and I decided that the pretzels were the least "harmful" treat of the ones I wanted. The salt craving must have something to do with my period coming.

So, I switched yesterday's amount with today's and now today I will have 1600. I am going to exercise soon so that will help me get back on track. I feel slightly better today, but still in some serious throat pain. I just don't want to give up the exercise again. I will aim for 30 minutes and see if I can go more. I am going to watch one of my favorite shows--Rachel Ray--so that will hopefully keep me on the treadmill a bit longer.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Hey dlv

No damage done! You did the right thing by switching Monday's calorie allotment to Tuesday. Sorry to hear you are still under the weather. I hate sore throats. So painful. Hang in there - you're really doing awesome.