Monday, September 8, 2008

The weekend

Well, Saturday and Sunday I managed to walk for about 30 minutes each day. I have mpicked up my speed again and need to add time to my route to make it 40 minutes. I like a 40 minute walk in the morning before work because I don't have to get up much earlier than about 5:15, which is all I can handle. Today I'll mow the lawn and do yardwork for my exercise. I intend to walk tomorrow and Wednesday. Thursday might be my skip day.

The diet has a bit to be desired, but I didn't do that badly. On Saturday, I had cereal for breakfast, leftover steak for lunch and roasted chicken with macaroni salad and fruit cup for dinner. That was fine, but I had some chips later on for snack. Sunday I had a mini bagel with cream cheese for breakfast, a cold cut sandwich for lunch and a grilled hamburger with macaroni salad for dinner.

I need to get better at counting the calories again. I hope to be able to say that I was successful with the counting again this week. I have already planed out the meals for today, tomorrow and Friday. Tomorrow I will plan out Wednesday and Thursday's meals.

Here's to getting back into the swing of things again.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Sounds like you're transitioning back nicely. From the description of what you ate, it doesn't sound like too many calories and you're starting to get back into the workouts again. You're doing great!