Thursday, September 27, 2007

Moving right along

Today was an early morning for the exercise routine. I dislike walking in the dark, but I can't find any other time to get out with the kids and work so at least I get some peace in the morning. It was cool walking this morning with the full moon still out. What a sight!

I had a bigger than normal breakfast today. I made a bagel with an egg and 2 pieces of bacon. It was a nice change. Lunch was my cottage cheese and fruit combo that I usually eat for breakfast. I had a banana during the day also. For dinner I made chicken fajitas using low carb wraps. I also made some mexican rice. I had a small portion of rice and one fajita so I was pleased with how full I was. I must have drank 15 glasses of water today. I don't know why but I just kept drinking. Now I just keep going to the bathroom. I am going to try to drink at least 12 glasses a day. I was drinking 10, but I want to increase that a bit because I read that you are supposed to drink a glass for every 10 pounds that you want to lose beyond the recommended 8 glasses a day.

I am not feeling my normal self this evening due to sinus and foot issues from the humidity. I hope once the storm passes tonight that I will feel a little more energized. I am posting early tonight since I am done eating and I like that I have decided to not snack tonight. I don't want to eat past 8 but sometimes I sneak my soda in then.

Overall, I am happy with today's progress. I hope that when I check the scale tomorrow I am happy also. I have been away from the scale this week and want to see if I have lost another pound-which is this weeks goal. Wish me luck!!!!

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Dlv, you are doing awesome! Such determination to walk in the dark -I saw that full moon last night and you are right, it is beautiful. I am really proud of you! Good luck with the weigh-in!

By the way, I think you may have caught onto a trick that I have also caught onto...blogging for the day after you finish dinner makes you less likely to indulge anymore afterwards! :)