Saturday, September 22, 2007

Saturday flew by

Today started early for a weekend and that can sometimes be bad for me in relation to how much I eat. Since we were so busy though it was a good food intake day. I had some fruit for breakfast and that hit the spot. For lunch I ate a sandwich. Then around 2 I had a cup of green chai tea. That is a great little sweet treat for me with very few calories--less than 100. We had grilled pork chops for dinner with half a piece of corn. We had fries again because we are trying to clean out the pantry and freezer items. That can be hard on dieting, but everything in moderation is a good motto. I drank all of my water today, but wasn't able to exercise. I will exercise tomorrow and Monday though so that will be alright. It is so hard to get all that I need to in with the kids around. Even when they play by themselves I try to catch up on laundry or running and errand if the hubby is home to watch the kids. Either way, I am trying to get the exercise in at least 3 times a week. I figure 3 times a week is better than nothing.

Hoping to exercise Sunday and eat well.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Hey dlv

Since it's hard to find time to exercise with the kids around, maybe there's a type of exercise you could do with the dance, kickball or something...2 birds with one stone!