Friday, September 28, 2007

A relaxing but productive day

So the big weigh in was today and I lost a pound. I have now lost 14 pounds. My goal is to loose a total of 30 by mid November. I think that is reasonable since I am able to walk more now. It is really about the exercise for me. I seem to be able to manage my diet but just finding time to really get a good work out can be difficult for me.

I didn't get a chance to work out because I slept in a bit and when I woke up my foot was hurting--weather related. I will exercise tomorrow instead.

For some reason I didn't eat breakfast today. I was so busy because Friday is straighten up day around here. By the time I got showered it was almost lunch so I just ate at 11:30. I made some tuna and had it on a lo carb wrap with some lettuce and a slice of cheese. I had some chips later on for a snack. Dinner was quick and easy tonight. We grilled steak and I made some zucchini on the grill too after it was marinated in Italian dressing. We also had some leftover cauliflower.

My big treat of the day was a plain doughnut. Since I ate it before 8 I feel better about it. Every now and then you have to treat yourself--it is all about moderation for me.

Looking forward to the weekend. Whenever I lose a pound I always feel more energized and motivated to exercise more. I am hoping to add a 4th day of exercising to my routine.

I am also noticing a bit of change in how I feel in a few pairs of pants. Some of them look too big. Of course I have a long way to go, but even noticing it in 2 pair of pants makes me want to work harder!

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

That's awesome! I am so happy for you that you had a loss this week. You certainly earned it!!! Congratulations!