Saturday, September 22, 2007

Friday's events

So I woke up in time to exercise before the kids woke up. I always feel so much better with a morning workout compared to the evening. I rarely get the chance in the evening and then I feel guilty. I alsmost feel a but hyper after my morning workout. I feel like I get so much more accomplished--especially on the days that I am home with the kids as compared to going to work.

As for my food intake yesterday, it was pretty decent. I got to eat my cottage cheese and fruit that I wanted Thursday but tried to eat coleslaw instead. The only problem I seem to have at home is drinking my water in the morning. I try to drink it all day, but I get busy with the kids and forget. I always drink it in the afternoon and evening, but that makes for more middle of the night wake up calls. (TMI?)

For lunch I ate half of a frozen individual pizza. That is probably too much salt, but it was left over from the kids and that is usually what happens when I am home with them--I eat their leftovers. At least the calorie intake was low.

After running around trying to get various errands and chores done and taking the kids to dance, we decided to go to dinner. I had fish and fries. So once again a bit of salt, but I didn't have dessert.

I had started with the South Beach diet in July and stuck to it until our August vacation. After that I decided to simply try to be moderate with the food intake. I am going to have to be more meticulous with the numbers and I think I may start that this week. I try to avoid the carbs at dinner and that really helps. For me, I seem to get hungry around 9:30 and that is bad because it is about 2 hours before bedtime. I try to eat for the last time by 9 so it doesn't sit.

Overall, I think it was a good day. I intend to weigh myself tomorrow. I usually do that a few times a week. To date, I have lost 13 pounds. I would like to lose a total of 30 by Thanksgiving. I think I can do it, although it is about 2 pounds a week. I know that seems like a lot, but I have a lot to lose so I think I can do it.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

You did great, dlv. It's good that you watch your salt intake. Do you find that too much salt makes you retain water?