Monday, November 12, 2007

The counting begins again

After about 10 days off I got back to the routine today. I did exercise for about 35 minutes, but pilates wasn't added to that. I just had to much to do and to get the kids off to school while getting unpacked and re-organized from vacation was too much to do extra exercise.

I had a 1700 calorie day today and I stuck to it. I had oatmeal for breakfast(160). I snuck in some chocolate for snack(170). I had an individual pizza for lunch with pepperoni(610). I had a hot chocolate for snack(85). For dinner I had turkey with gravy(270), brussel sprouts(200)--I will have to share that recipe someday when I have more energy and salad with dressing(190).
So I have used all but 20 calories today. Tomorrow I will have a 2000 calorie day and I may treat myself to a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast--I have been craving one of those but they total about 450 I think so I save them for high calorie days.

I would say I had a successful day back on the plan. I think I overestimated the salad and the brussell sprouts since I had to do that on my own, but better to overestimate than to under count the calories.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Good job today, dlv! It's hard getting back into the swing of things after a vacation - I always feel a little overwhelmed when I return. But you got right back onto the program so good for you!