Monday, November 19, 2007

Manic Monday

What a busy day. I ran around all over the place again today. I did get to exercise 2 times today for a total of 60 minutes of cardio. For breakfast I had a bagel with cream cheese on one half and butter on the other(470). For lunch I had peanut butter on Wheat Thins and some chips(550). For dinner I had half of a turkey sandwich and mashed potatoes with sour cream(550). I had a hot chocolate with marshmallows for dessert(100). When I make hot chocolate I just use the powder and water so that I can have it more often because it is lower in calories--less taste but at least it is a chocolate flavor.

I went over my calories by 20 which isn't terribly bad, but I am slightly unhappy about that. I want to weigh in Thursday morning this week because I know I have a big calorie day allowed on Thursday. Overall, I think I did alright today and I am proud of myself for exercising tonight even though it was a bit late until I got to eat dinner.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Great job today! Don't fret the 20calories. It won't make a dent. Chew some gum today and you'll burn those 20 calories. You did awesome! Lots of exercise!