Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Trying Tuesday

I stayed on track today with my 1600 calories. I had plain oatmeal with cinnamon for breakfast(103). While I was making cupcakes for a class party, I snuck one(240) for a quick snack. Lunch was a salad with dressing(286) and a slice of plain pizza(300). I had some low fat tortilla chips and hot chocolate for a snack(280). For dinner I had 7 mini egg rolls with Dijon mustard(325). My total for today is 1534. I am going to have 2 cups of popcorn(60) for dessert. That means I will have stayed within my allowance for the day at 1594. I felt like a lot today, but I just ate often because swallowing a lot at one time is a bit tough. So smaller meals for me today was what worked.

Since my throat and ear still hurt and I am pretty wiped out, I was only able to exercise for 35 minutes today. At least a did get to do some cardio and that made me feel a bit more energized for a while.

So overall, a tiring day, but still successful. Now I am officially wiped out between being sick and having my period so I will go to bed very soon.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

I am really impressed with how well you are doing while being sick! You are a much stronger woman than I am! Good for you!!!