Friday, March 21, 2008

Fair Friday

My intentions were to have a low calorie day. I didn't do that badly, but it certainly wasn't low calorie. Breakfast was a piece of pizza(300). Lunch was a burrito(260) and chips(400). I had chocolate for snack(300). For dinner I had chicken drumsticks(225) with some fries(150) and a salad(200). So I had a total of 1835 calories today. That isn't horrible, but is not great since I haven't been all that wonderful this week. Can you tell by my food choices that I have my period and weird cravings!

I did manage to exercise for about 40 minutes this morning. I walked on the treadmill and got caught up on a couple of shows while I walked. That always makes the time go faster when I am exercising by myself.

I ran around doing all kinds of chores today so I was very active. I am hoping that the activity helped combat the higher amount of calories I used today.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

I don't think the 1800 calories will derail you, especially with all that exercise and activity. You're doing fine!