Friday, March 7, 2008

Frantic Friday

Today was a crazy day but I managed to stay within my program for the day. I began the day with a Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds for Abs workout. I hadn't done it for a couple of weeks so it was a nice change. My whole plan of exercise has been changed this week, but at least I am exercising twice a day most days. After I exercised I had a bowl of oatmeal(100) with blueberries(40). For lunch I had some chicken and vegetable mini egg rolls(360) and chips(150). For snack I had a bean and rice burrito. For dinner I had leftover roast(150) on a roll(180). I also had a cauliflower and mushroom mix that I baked with a tiny bit of cheese(150). I also had some fries(150). So my total for the day was 1540. I need to eat a bit healthier and I think that might help me lose some weight. I also exercised tonight. I rode the bike for 10 minutes and then I walked on the treadmill for 35 minutes. Overall a good day and I hope to have another one tomorrow because I will be busy.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Great day!! Good job with the calories and the exercise. I admire you for working out twice a day.