Monday, March 31, 2008

Another manic Monday

For some reason, I am usually running around on Monday's. I had assigned today as a 1500 calorie day. Here's how it broke down: Breakfast-brownie=150; lunch-pizza=580;
snack--coolatta=190; dinner--grilled chicken=150, bean salad=170, slice of beer bread=150. My dessert was 3 mini peppermint patties=120. So I went over by 10 calories today but that is fine. With all of my running around I am sure I worked it off.

I also exercised a lot today. This morning I did a 45 minute cardio/strength training workout. This evening before dinner I did a walking and kickboxing workout. It was only a 33 minute video, but it got my heart rate up and I burned some extra calories. That video is great because my kids like to try to do it with me so it gets them moving on rainy days.

Overall, a good day back on the plan in a more strict way.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Good for you! You made a great start back after spring break. Keep up the good work!