Thursday, March 13, 2008

A low calorie success

Today was a 1400 calorie day and I almost did it. I started the day with a cookie bar(100) and grapes(70). For lunch I had a frozen meal called sesame chicken(300). I also had some Hershey kisses with it(230). For snack I had a burrito with a bit of sour cream(280). For dinner I had a veggie burger(90) on a roll(120) with fries(150) and some sauteed peppers and onions(40) and mayo(90). My total for the day is 1470.

I did The Firm's Cardio Sculpt workout. My calves are feeling it a bit tonight. I like the workout but some of the aerobic moves are a bit tricky. My foot gets slightly aggravated by the evening on the day that I do that kind of workout, but I can get past that because I know the benefits of it outweigh the pain.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Good job today! Yeah, some of the cardio moves are tricky. I find that after 3 or 4 times of doing a workout, I remember the moves easier and it isn't as confusing.