Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Terrible Tuesday

So I had a crappy food day. I ate well until I got home from work. Then I nibbled on so many things. I think I probably ate about 1800 calories today but I am not sure. it wasn't that mush of a fall, but still not within my planned allotment. I am not going to change my allowances for the rest of the week much. I am going to make tomorrow a 1700 calorie day and adjust a bit the rest of the week as well--Thursday will be a 1400 calorie day and Friday will stay the same at 1600 because we are having friends over for dinner. Saturday can't be changed either because we have dinner plans. I am going to keep it as a splurge day, but try to keep the calories low during the day since dinner will be high. I really do believe that I am getting a bit off track because I am a bit tired lately. I am going to try to go to bed earlier tomorrow night. About once a week I try to go to bed right after the kids so that I can catch up on some sleep. Unfortunately I am stuck tonight because I am doing some report writing for consulting work--actually I am procrastinating now instead!!

I did well with exercise today, although it was all I could do to get up at 5:15 this morning. I usually do fine and I went to bed the same time I usually do(about 11). I think it is because it is darker in the morning now. Well I walked the treadmill for 30 minutes this morning and for 35 minutes this evening. Tomorrow is strength training and cardio in the evening.

Tomorrow is a new day!

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

It could be the change of time that is doing you in. I've noticed this week I've been having a hard time and feeling tired. My internal sleep clock feels out of whack.

It's okay to have one of those "nibbly days" every so often. You have them so infrequently, it won't make a negative impact.