Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve dinner success

When I figured out my calories for the week, I neglected to remember that we would be having something of a more caloric dinner tonight than usual. Although, when it comes down to it, the amount of calories I had for dinner was actually less than normal. I think that is because I really made a lo cal side dish to go with the other items.

I allotted 1700 calories total for today and I managed to stay close with a total of 1752. For breakfast I had egg whites on wheat toast(193). For lunch I had taquitos(465) and 2 chocolate covered pretzels(300). I had some regular pretzels in the afternoon(110). For dinner I made ham, creamed spinach( a healthy, lo carb version), parsley potatoes and pineapple(534). Then for dessert I had one more chocolate covered pretzel(150). Those things are deadly for me to have around, but at least I am being honest and counting them in my daily allotment.

As for exercise today, I didn't want to do the walking/strength tape today so I just walked for 35 minutes on the treadmill. I am going to regret all the pretzels I had today because they are full of salt. I have made sure to drink more water than normal today to try to flush some of the salt out before I feel swollen in the fingers. My other problem is that I am beginning to feel bloated because I am getting my period in the next day or two.

Tomorrow is a 2600 calorie day for me, so I am going to try to eat lighter in the morning/early afternoon so I can enjoy the wonderful dinner that Mama Leone will be making.

Merry Christmas everyone!!

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

You did great on Christmas Eve! Even though you ate the chocolate pretzels, you counted the calories and really, that's all that matters. As for the salt, any weight gain from that is temporary water weight so it won't affect your long-term progress. Great job!