Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday's are tough

I felt like I could munch on food all day today. I wasn't particularly hungry, but I just felt like snacking a lot of the day. My allowance for the day was 1750. For breakfast I ate 2 pieces of wheat toast with butter(156) and a glass of apple juice(110). I had a snack of 2 Oreo cookies(140) and another glass of apple juice(110). For lunch I had sushi from the Japanese section of the Shoprite(700). For dinner, I had taco salad(225). For dessert I had one of the cookies that Steve made yesterday(260). So I am one calorie over my allotment for the day and that is alright with me.

As for exercise, I was scheduled to do it twice. I only did the strength-walking video this morning and of course my ab routine. So overall I exercised for about 40 minutes today. Instead of exercising tonight I was busy running up and down the basement stairs while we cleaned up and organized the basement a bit. We always have to do that before Christmas so we can make room for the new gifts. We also spent some time organizing the storage closet. We haven't done that in a few years so it looks better now. Even though it wasn't trashy before, it tends to get a bit unruly because no one sees it besides us. Anyway, we cleaned up instead of exercising so at least I feel accomplished.

I was shopping today and trying on pants. I didn't buy any yet, but I realized today that I am wearing pants that are 2 sizes too big. If I were to buy pants this week, I would need to buy an 18. I could squeeze into a 16, but it wouldn't be comfortable. I can't believe it. I haven't fit into a 16 since my kids were born. I hope to be in that size in the next couple of months. But, as I mentioned to Sassy, I have a lot difficulty with the excess skin from pregnancy and being overweight. So all of my hard work is paying off, but it is still going to be a long battle for my lower stomach area. I will just keep working hard and see what happens!

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

That's so great that you are now in 18's comfortably and could squeeze into a 16. You've really made some great progress! Those "munchy days" are really hard. It's funny you had one on Monday because so did I. Must be the back-to-work-on-Monday stress. Great job on the exercise and being on target with calories (one calorie over doesn't count! ;)