Saturday, December 1, 2007

Let the season begin

Today we decorated the inside and outside of our house for Christmas. It looks nice. Tonight we will decorate the tree after the kids get in their pj's. So running around was good because I only got to exercise for 30 minutes today. I did a cardio dance workout and an ab routine.

For breakfast, I tried to eat oatmeal, but it blew up in the microwave. I put it on for an extra 30 seconds because I had too much water in it--or so I thought. So instead I had a cupcake(380)--not as healthy, but it's okay. For lunch I had a PBJ sandwich on wheat bread with some potato chips(650). I had a half a cup of hot chocolate for snack(50). For dinner I had steak, a baked potato with sour cream and corn(620).

I will have dessert later but I am at 1700 calories for the day. I am going to limit it to 1750 today so I will have popcorn later. Tomorrow is going to be my splurge day. I will allow myself 2800 calories and I am sure I will be fine.

I weighed in today and got a surprise. I had my period this week and was definitely bloated. I lost a pound though this week. So for November I lost a total of 4 pounds. I have not measured the inches, but just based on bra and pants changes, I have lost 2 inches on my chest(not the bust but underneath) and 2 inches on my waist since I started. My thighs are noticeably thinner and that makes me happy. I am at a point where I really need to buy new clothes, but since it is the holiday season, I have no money to do that. My hope is that Santa and Chanukah Harry are kind to me with gift cards for clothes!! Otherwise, I am going to start looking silly in some of my things. After Christmas I will be able to afford to go shopping. At least it is a good problem to have!

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Wow - such great results in November! I am so happy for you, dlv. You are doing awesome and are so dedicated. Sorry to hear about the oatmeal explosion - have to admit it gave me a chuckle.

See you in a bit.