Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just another day

I had a good calorie day today...I was allowed 1500 and stayed close with 1513. Breakfast was oatmeal(130), lunch was salad(125) and a chicken drumstick(112), dinner was meatballs and pasta with some sprinkle cheese(626). Morning snack was fruit(50) and a few Swedish fish(60). Afternoon snack was a Yoplait Boston creme yogurt(110)---yummy!! All in all a good food day!

I also had a good exercise day today. I managed to walk 2 times for 30 minutes each.

I looked at my revised goals from yesterday and am happy with what I decided. In the long run, it comes out to about 5-7 pounds of projected weight loss each month. I am so excited by how much progress I have made already and look forward to how much more progress I will make in the future!!

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

I am excited about your progress too and you are so inspiring to me. I need to get some of your self-discipline to rub off on me! Great work today.