Saturday, February 2, 2008

Saturday's success

Today was a successful day! I was alloted 1650 calories and I will have used 1607 calories when all is said and done.

For breakfast I had oatmeal(225). Well, today was not a splurge day, but we did have a high calorie lunch. I had a grilled chicken sandwich and fries(902). For dinner, in order to combat the high calorie lunch, I made a tossed salad for dinner(400). It was nice to have the light meal.

Since I had a busy morning and afternoon, I didn't get to exercise until about 5 tonight. I rode the bike for about 8 minutes to warm up. Then I walked on the treadmill for 35 minutes. I know I always complain about it, but my foot is just screaming the last few days. While I am sitting still it is just throbbing. I am trying to ignore it, but it is becoming a bit overwhelming. I hope the warmer weather that is predicted for later this week helps it.

So overall, I had a great meal and stayed within my calories. I think my dessert will be hot chocolate(80) tonight.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Good for you! You did great today. Sorry to hear about your throbbing foot. That sounds so painful.