Friday, February 15, 2008


I had set a low calorie amount for today. I didn't get to breakfast today--just had a few cookies(300). I had a very late lunch. I made a chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato, and mayo on an italian style roll(400) and fries with mayo (382). For dinner, I had a grilled chicken breast(3 oz)and a small salad(total=292). I had some popcorn and chocolate for dessert(240). Not a bad food day, but not a particularly great one either. My total for today was 1594 and my allowed calories for the day was 1600.

I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes this morning. Tonight I rode the bike for another 30 minutes. I felt really good exercising today.

Overall, a good day. I feel more motivated that I did the last couple of days. I looked in the mirror this morning and had a good opinion of myself. I feel good about how my body is looking. I feel more tone and I see a better shape. I really don't love looking at myself naked but I think doing that today helped me feel stronger about following the plan as compared to giving up this weekend.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Good day, dlv! Those little changes you see in the mirror are such a great motivator, aren't they? Every time I see you, I notice how much more toned you are and you seem to be standing up taller. You are doing awesome. I am going to really try to get back on the ball and blogging tomorrow. You are inspiring me.