Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday

I stayed within the calorie allotment for the day, but I ate like crap. I was allowed 2000 calories today and I used every one of them. I am just going to list my food because I don't feel like writing tonight. It was all I could do to get myself to log on to blog tonight.
Breakfast: bagel with cream cheese
lunch: salad and coffee coolata
snack: cheese its
dinner: meatballs and fries

I allowed myself the extra half hour of sleep this morning and waited to ride the bike until this evening.

So overall, a good diet and exercise day. My stomach still hurts a bit, but has improved. Hopefully tomorrow I will be all better! I am going to try to go to bed really soon because I am completely wiped out from the illness and taking care of everything I normally do in the house and with the kids while still being sick.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

You did fine today. You're allowed to eat crap! The most important thing stayed within your calories AND you exercised. Good for you!