Thursday, January 17, 2008

A good day

I had 1750 calories to use today and I was successful with staying in the limits. For breakfast I had a bagel with cream cheese(430). I had a snack this morning--one of my 100 calorie cookie packs. For lunch, I had veggie lasagna and 2 cookies that a co worker had brought in for us today(500). I also had a piece of chocolate candy bar(120) It was nice to have a day off from packing lunch. I had a burrito(260) for snack today. I love those things and they really keep me full until dinner since we eat later these days. For dinner I had a salad(225). I also made soup, but I wasn't hungry after my salad so I didn't eat any soup. I will probably have a bit of popcorn later(75). My total for the day will be 1710.

As for my exercise today, I thought about skipping altogether. I didn't exercise this morning because I needed the sleep. Tonight my foot hurt from the weather so I rode the bike for 20 minutes. I used a higher level than usual. Then I did some strength training and ab work. So overall I worked out for 30 minutes. Not my most stressful workout, but at least I got my heart rate up for a while.

All in all, I had a successful day on the plan!