Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tuesday's troubles

For the first time in a long time, I woke up with foot pain so I couldn't exercise at all today. I thought I might take a break, but the foot had the final say. A positive aspect of that problem is that I got to sleep for 45 extra minutes, which was nice. I am still a bit messed up on the days of the week because I worked Monday and I usually don't. At least that means that tomorrow is my last day of work for this week. Then I can catch up on housework--not sure if that is good or work is better ;-)

I stayed within the calories allowed for the day. I was allotted 1600 calories today. For breakfast I treated myself to a V-8(70). They have a little bit of sodium, but I figure that is outweighed by the 2 servings of veggies it contains. I also had a banana(70). For snack I had a nutter butter bar(100). For lunch I had a Lean Cuisine frozen meal that was butternut squash ravioli(350), carrots(35), grapes(68) and Chips Ahoy crisps(100). I am so thankful to my hubby for buying those 100 calorie treats. I enjoy having something sweet during the day and they really hit the spot. When I got home from work, I was hungry again so I had 4 mini egg rolls(180). I figured it was better to have them than any pretzels or chips because they would be more filling since they have veggies in them. For dinner I made salmon topped with pearl onions that came in a cream sauce(210). I also made creamed spinach(100) and green beans(25). For a little treat, I made some muffins and used spray butter on them(260). I am rather full and that is good because I am hoping to stay within the calories and not have a snack later since I am at 1568 calories now and not many things are only 32 calories. I may have a clementine if I get desperate since they are only 35 calories.

All in all, a good day.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Great job today! Sorry to hear about your foot. It's good that you listened to you body took a rest. Hope you'll be back on your feet tomorrow (pun intended).