Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A New Start

Happy New Year Everyone!!

I weighed in yesterday and I was up by 2 pounds, but I know that it is mostly because of salt so I am willing to accept that it will take a couple of days of non holiday food to purge my body of the bloated feeling. For me, it is actually easier to not be at home and have diet success. If I am at work I am more distracted and not as quick to grab a snack. My goal is to be rid of the excess weight by Sunday and basically start again with the 33 pounds lost.

I also took measurements of myself yesterday. I didn't do that when I started dieting in July so I thought I would at least start now. I have been seeing such differences in my size in clothes and bras that I wanted to keep track of it officially. I will measure myself as Sassy does, once a month. I am also going to try to stay away from the scale on a weekly basis and just weigh in every 2 weeks. I don't know if that will work for me because I am really motivated by the weekly weigh in. Another change that I am going to make--actually go back to--is to drink more water. I have been drinking about 10 glasses a day, but I am going to try to drink 12 every couple of days to see if that works.

New Year's Eve was a successful splurge day for me. I enjoyed eating whatever I wanted to the hilt!! I even had a real soda, which is rare for me. We rang in the New Year at a friend's house so there were yummy snacks and a bit of wine. Unfortunately I am feeling the results of the splurge today with my bloated fingers and a full tummy.

Here is the plan for the rest of the week:
Tuesday: 1700 cardio
Wednesday: 1500 cardio with strength
Thursday: 1600 cardio
Friday: 1700 cardio with strength
Saturday: 1900 cardio
Sunday: 1700 cardio

I will need a rest day this week, but I haven't picked one yet. I would like to exercise 2 times on Thursday, but I am not sure I can schedule wise so I will see what happens.

Here's to a great year of health, prosperity and happiness!!

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Love the new look of your blog! Pretty colors. I am glad you enjoyed your splurge day - you deserved it! Don't worry about the weight gain...it'll come back off and is probably just water weight. It's the monthly progress that matters, not the little changes every week. Keep up the great work!!!