Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday, Monday

So the week begins with a low cal day. Even though I only had 1400 calories allotted today, I was so busy that it didn't matter that much. I didn't get a chance to eat more than one piece of bacon(40) for breakfast today. For lunch I ate an individual pizza and a few grapes(375 total). I had my afternoon burrito for snack(280). For dinner I had a salad with pretzels and a half an avocado(650). That leaves me at 1345 total for the day. I have been trying to figure out what I can snack on because I am almost sure that I will need a snack to get me through without failure. I may have to go over in calories, but not by much. I am thinking of having a cup of chai tea again because it is only 70 calories. That will give me a total of 1410, which is totally acceptable.

This morning I was running around doing various household chores and playing with my kids. When I got the chance, I turned on an walking video and the kids all did it with me. That was fun!!

Now on to a nice but weird event. Last night at the dinner table, out of the blue, my 6 year old daughter said to me, "Mommy, you look skinnier." I asked her what she meant and she said the same thing. When I asked him later, my husband said he did not tell her to say that. It is the second time that she has mentioned that to me since I have been losing weight. I don't use that word with the kids-"skinny"-- because it seems to have a negative connotation for me. So we use the words, getting healthier, thinner and stronger. It is so interesting to me that she sees changes in me. It makes me feel good to know that she is in tune with me. She also likes to exercise when I do. Last night she wanted to walk the treadmill while my husband rode the bike, so she did for 15 minutes. What great exercise for her!!

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

That is really interesting that E said that. You wouldn't think a 6 year old would even notice something like that. But, of course, we are talking about E who is very bright and perceptive, so I guess we shouldn't be surprised. At any rate, that's cool! Good job with the calorie counting and exercise!