Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sinful Saturday

Well, today was my splurge day and it was great. For the first time in a long time, I just ate whatever I felt like. I have to admit that on many splurge days I try to estimate what I eat and that has defeated the purpose of a splurge day. I had a roasted pepper, onion and goat cheese sandwich on ciabatta bread. How yummy!! I am so grateful that Sassy brought me to the new restaurant. The cheese fries we shared were great too! Then we spent a nice long time relaxing and being creative while we painted pottery. What a nice day!

The hubby made a plate for me and I had a bit of chicken, leeks and peas for dinner. I am not used to just eating a couple of meals, but I seemed to manage. I am full now though.

I was not intending to exercise today, but I decided to tonight because I felt so full and wanted to walk some of it off. I am going to plan a skip day in my schedule this week for sure but I am not certain which one. I will figure that out tomorrow.

What a great day!! So glad I got to spend it with Sassy!

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

I agree...what a great day! And yes, what a great meal to splurge on. I am still dreaming about those cheese fries. It was a really fun day. I am proud of you for exercising last night. (Impressed is a more accurate word!)