Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday's test

Well, another 1500 day and I was successful. For breakfast, I ate a banana and a couple pieces of chocolate(170), I know, not a great breakfast, but my period is playing tricks on me today. For lunch I had a vegetable burrito with sour cream(280). For snack I needed salt to compensate for the chocolate this morning so I had reduced fat cheese crackers(260). For a late afternoon snack I had 4 mini egg rolls(180). For dinner I had whole wheat spaghetti with homemade sauce that had meat, crushed tomatoes and sausage topped with Parmesan cheese(581). So that is a grand total of 1471 calories for the day. I am very happy about that considering all the junky food I ate today.

In the exercise department, I did Leslie Sansone's Walk Way the Pounds for Abs. I worked hard this morning even though I had done that video last week. I went deeper on the squats and side stepping today. It is only a 30 minute video but it is also for strength training so I get the best of cardio and strength all in one. Tonight I rode the bike hard for 30 minutes.

All in all, a good day.

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Excellent job today!!! Good calorie counting and great work on the exercise.