Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A busy day

I thought that today might drag a bit and that might make it more difficult to not eat a lot. But my goodness I was wrong. The day flew by so much that I really didn't eat much until after I got home from work. For breakfast I treated myself to a glass of oj(120) and oatmeal(150). I had some grapes mid morning for snack(68). At lunch I had some leftover chicken(100) and also 2 cookies(106). I had a granola bar around 2(90). When I got home I had some cheese crackers(220). For dinner we had left over turkey croquettes with gravy(300), pierogies with sour cream(300) and green beans(40). Dinner was a bit heavy on the calories, but not that bad really. Pumpkin pie was desert(311) So my total for today is 1905 and I was allowed 2000 calories.

I am not sure what to do about not meeting my calorie allotment for each day. I know it isn't a real problem, but I do understand that it is better to eat and not starve myself. I know I am not starving myself because if I am hungry I eat a snack. I am just not sure how I could eat more food. I guess what I am saying is I wonder if me not eating my total allowed calories for the week is causing me a problem over all in the weight loss department. Any ideas?


Mama Leone said...

I guess the only way you will be able to tell if not eating all your calories is causing a problem is to see if you are still losing weight while doing it. I plan to watch my calorie intake also and the results and if I am not eating enough, I will increase the amounts as I cannot lower them as they are already as low as I should go.

SassyFitnessBug said...

I am not sure. I can't even wrap my mind around not being able to eat more calories! ;) If you really WANT to eat the full amount of calories, you could always squeeze in a calorie-dense snack like nuts or peanut butter. I think a quarter cup of nuts has something like 200 calories but it's not filling.