Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Nothing exciting

So I stayed on track with my calories today. I was allowed 1850 today and I did stay under that amount. I had oatmeal for breakfast(130). I had a snack of candy(200) in the morning because I was in a meeting and it was too tempting. At lunch I had leftover meatloaf with a bit of ketchup and 19 mini pretzels for a total of 355. I also had half of an apple but it was large so I think it counts as a regular size apple(111). I had a cup of popcorn(30) for snack when the kids came home. For dinner we had leftover smoked pork(280), half a cup of peas(60) and a very small baked potato with a tablespoon of sour cream(150). I had a brownie(112) for dessert and I am sure that I will have another brownie for 112 more calories in a little while. I have such a sweet tooth today. My total for the day will be 1529. That is excellent and I am not hungry at all.

I have reduced my calorie allotment by 50 tomorrow so I can try to get rid of some of this bloating from the weekend. I haven't weighed myself, but I can feel it in my fingers. I drank about 10 glasses of water today and I will probably drink 2 more before 9pm. I think this really helps.

Tomorrow is a long day at work so I have a tendency to be hungry on those days---here's hoping that I can do as well tomorrow as I did today. I exercised outside today. I might wake up early and exercise again tomorrow. I so enjoy it, but what I don't enjoy is the 5:30 wake up call. I much prefer 6:15 but if I want to exercise I must do it before work. At least I know it give me energy. My foot is feeling better this evening so hopefully that will continue.


SassyFitnessBug said...

Excellent day, dlv! You are really on top of your calories, your water intake and doing great with the exercise too! Good job!

Mama Leone said...

Stick with it, that water weight will drop all of a sudden in one day. Good job!