Monday, October 22, 2007

A change in the plan

So today was my weigh in and I didn't lose any weight. I am a bit disappointed considering all of the hard work I did this week, but at the same time, I know that my clothes are fitting much better. So maybe it isn't always about the numbers but more about the size....I have heard that from Sassy before and I am really a believer now. Not to say that I am happy with my current size, but I can definitely see physical changes without numbers dropping.

I thought about my plan for the week and have decided to change it a bit to try to achieve maximum results. I have stuck with 1600 cals for today, but have changed the other days to try to shock my body a bit. Here is the new agenda:

Monday 1600 exercise
Tuesday 1850 exercise
Wednesday 1625
Thursday 1900 exercise
Friday 1700 exercise
Saturday 2700 exercise?
Sunday 1700 exercise

This gives me a total of 13150, which is way below my allowed total of 13776. I am worried that I am not intaking enough calories, but I am going to leave room for error. So if I go over one day by 25 I won't feel as bad. I am still going to try to eat breakfast and lunch, a snack in between lunch and dinner maybe a snack after dinner. I am going to do my best this week to keep the sodium intake low because I know that I will be unable to control that when I am away in 2 weeks. I figure if I am really good with it while I am home then it will be easier to keep off the water weight now and just shed it when I get back.

I have also decided to aim for 6 days of exercise. I am going to be really busy on Saturday from about 7:30 am so I may not be able to do that, but that still leaves me with 5 days of exercise. Last week I think I did 5 and it felt good so I would like to continue that and add about 5 minutes to my work out each day. That is all based on the foot pain and can only be judged day by day.

Okay, now that I feel better about this week's plan, it is off to do some chores and play with the kids before school. Enjoy the day!


SassyFitnessBug said...

Hey dlv...don't worry too much about the scale...your clothes are fitting looser and that means you are progressing. You might be retaining water right now. I have had times where the scale didn't budge for a long time and then suddenly it dropped a couple pounds. You're doing great. Don't get discouraged.

Mama Leone said...

I agree with Sassy. If your clothes are Looser your body size is smaller. All of a sudden you will probably drop 3-4 pounds of water weight. Don't give up. YOur on your way to reaching your goal.