Tuesday, October 9, 2007

One more thing....

I forgot to mention in my last post that I exercised today as well. I have been more motivated to exercise every day. I am not supposed to exercise on Wednesday, but I might anyway. I just feel so much more energized when I do. My new sneakers should be arriving any day so I hope to be able to feel more comfortable when I do walk.

I love walking on the treadmill because I see how many calories I am acutally burning. Then when I eat a snack later I can say that I actually already burned off that snack in the morning. I have a tough time falling asleep before 11pm when I exercise. I am walking at 6am, so I am not sure why I have a problem. I do know that exercising at night can cause sleeplessness, but my problem is more like an energy burst. Who knows why!

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

That's great that you are getting so energetic from all the exercise. I don't know why exercising in the morning would keep you up at night, though. That's odd. Anyway, good job on the exercise and I bet you are looking forward to those new sneakers!