Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A great fit!

I haven't told anyone my size until now because I am embarrassed by it. I am sure that you can estimate. Officially it is 22/24--I need a larger size in the top and in some styles of pants. In shirts, I wear mostly 2x. That is so disgusting to me. My goal was to be at a size 20 before Christmas. This morning I put on a pair of tan docker type pants that had been a bit loose on me for a couple of weeks. Well today they looked like a potato sack. I had to pick the waist up all day. They are going to be washed and put in the donation pile. I am making a pile in my closet so that I can motivate myself not to fit in those clothes again. I tried on a pair of blue pants that had been tight for about a year now. They fit perfectly. So it seems that I have officially dropped at least one size--in any style. As soon as I drop one more size, I will have a few more outfits to try on. I really haven't been able to wear a size 20 in about 2 years. I am going to have to buy a new pair of black and tan pants really soon because otherwise I won't have enough work clothes.

I know it is early in the day, but I am posting now because I have dinner planned and a few minutes to myself to blog. For breakfast I had apple-cinnamon oatmeal and peanut butter crackers for a total of 360. I know that is a weird combo, but I felt the need for the peanut butter. For lunch, I made a BLT on wheat bread with a bit of mayo(448). I also had a pickle(24) and a banana(90). Now that I write it down it occurs to me that I ate a weird combination for lunch. For snack I had an apple(100) and popcorn(60). For dinner I will be eating an egg roll, chicken, broccoli, rice and a bit of sauce(for a total of 656). The broccoli will be steamed and the chicken roasted. I did get to exercise today for 35 minutes and I was able to walk faster today. I have a total of 1738 calories used. I have 162 calories left and I am not sure if I am going to have a snack later or not, but if I do, it will surely be under the 162 calories left.

Tomorrow is a 1600 day and I already have breakfast and lunch at a low amount. We will be having meatballs and spaghetti tomorrow for dinner so I have to save a bit for that.


Mama Leone said...

See, you are shrinking even though the scale doesn't show it. Good idea about the pile of clothes to motivate you. I think that I will steal that idea. I haven't had the pleasure of having my clothes fit loosely yet. Keep going!!

SassyFitnessBug said...

I am sure we all can relate to feeling embarrassed about size or weight but hey - we're family and we love each other no matter what our dress size :)

That is so exciting about your clothes going into the donation pile. You should be so proud! When I shrink out of my clothes I get rid of them right away as a personal commitment to never getting back to that size again. I am sure you feel the same way.