Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Today was a 1650 calorie day and I did it. I tried plain oatmeal for breakfast and once I had 3 bites I couldn't eat anymore. So I only counted it for 40 calories. I was busy all morning and only had 15 minutes for lunch so I had a lean cuisine meal for lunch---cheese, mushrooms and a bit of steak on grilled bread(300). I also treated myself to a milky way(260)--those end of the month cravings hit today. For dinner I had a rib, some pasta and green beans(525). I had some chips after dinner(to end my cravings for the day). I ate a total of 1525 today, which is about 125 under, but I am full and can't eat anymore. I may have a hot chocolate later which would be 80 and put me at 1610, but I am not sure.

I exercised with the pilates this morning. I liked the work out and it felt good. When I got home form work though, I felt that I wanted to walk so once I played with the kids for a while I got in 30min. on the treadmill. It felt good. I will walk again tomorrow morning, but I figure a bonus round can't hurt. My foot is feeling good with this weather so I took advantage of that.

I wore my new suit today and felt good in it. Tomorrow I am going to wear another new outfit. If my cramps would go away and the little bit of bloating I have would leave also, I would feel even better. Maybe tomorrow!!

1 comment:

SassyFitnessBug said...

Good job today, dlv. I am glad you like the pilates workouts. If you do them a lot, you will really start to feel everything start to tone up, especially the center of your body (core)...it's hard to explain, but it makes you stand and carry yourself differently too. When is the interview (or did you have it already)?