Thursday, October 4, 2007

So I began my day with a treadmill walk. I have been doing some faster walking to see if my foot can take it. I walk for 3 minutes at about 2.7 miles an hour and then about 3.2 miles an hour for 3 minutes then 3.0 for about 3 minutes. Then I repeat the cycle. It helps me walk faster without too much stress on the foot. I enjoy walking outside too, but the problem is I don't think I walk fast enough. I am going to walk outside tomorrow morning though for a change.

My total calories allowed today was 1800. I kept it under with a total of 1797. I had oatmeal for breakfast(130) and tuna with crackers for lunch as well as some cheese crackers and grapes(382). For dinner I had meat lasagna with cream of mushroom soup and green beans(555). During the day I had a piece of zucchini bread for snack(100). We usually don't have sweets during the week for dessert, but we had some cake that needed to be used before it went bad so I had a piece for dessert(330). I think overall it was a good day. I feel better than yesterday because my cramps are gone.

Tomorrow is a 1900 day and I am thinking about limiting it to 1800 because I know I can and give myself 2100 on Saturday for a splurge. I will see how the day goes. I should be pretty busy, but some times that is harder to be careful. I am going to try to plan the food out the night before like I do when I am working a full day. Usually I just list the items that I am putting in my lunch bag and if I eat them I add the cals, otherwise I just cross them off. For example, I always bring a fruit, a granola bar and some kind of cracker or veggie(for the crunch). Today I ate the cracker and the veggie so when I got home from work I crossed off the other too. When I write them down I write out the cals so I can figure out what I have allotted for various meals. It seems to work for me.


SassyFitnessBug said...

You're really doing great! Good job with the walking...God bless you for being able to tolerate the treadmill! Do you watch t.v. while using it? I think I would need to have some kind of distraction! You're doing great with counting those calories. Keep up the great work!

dlvblueyed said...

I do watch TV while on the treadmill. In the morning I catch up on the news. For me that is good because I don't have time at night to watch the news. The time passes by quickly.
Thanks for the support.